GOD IS PRO LIFE – New eBook!

Irrefutable Proof a Baby’s Life Begins at Conception

coverGet the Truth/Get the Word Out/Support the Cause to Defend Babies and Defund Abortionists

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Abortion rights advocates are proven wrong. Facts show convincingly that proponents of Pro-Choice on the issue of abortion “rights” have made a wrong choice and are in error. Abortion on demand is against the Law of God and man. Now You Can Take a Stand. Astounding facts and hard evidence prove that God Exists as Creator of All Life, that He has a Master Plan for the Ages and that the Old and New Testaments go hand in hand and are the authentic Words of the Lord. Moreover, the author Arnold Beizer documents that Yeshua (Jesus) is who He claimed to be, in chapter and verse, namely Messiah and Lord of the Jews and Christians and God of the entire Universe.

Biblical, medical and scientific evidence show that the life of a child begins at conception and a mother’s pregnancy exactly follows by Divine Design the Seven (7) Feasts of Israel given by The Lord to Moses at Mount Sinai and inscribed in the Book of Leviticus Chapter 23. Amazingly it will be seen that the Feasts are a meticulous and miraculous exposition of how human life begins at conception and proceeds through the process of birthing acknowledging and glorifying the hand of the Lord as Creator of Life itself.


The Life of Yeshua (Jesus) is shown to follow exactly the letter of the Law and to fulfill to the day the Biblical Calendar of the Hebrew Seven Feasts of The Lord.


The Sword of The Lord is the Word of God
The Word is sharper than any two-edged sword
or a Planned Parenthood scalpel




“Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee;

and before thou camest forth out of the womb..”

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By contributing to the Sword of The Lord Messianic Ministry
you are helping to get more Messages of Freedom and Truth out to the masses.

Thank you and God Bless

Arnold Beizer, President and Founder

Source: sword of the lord

About the author

Arnold Beizer

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